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Implementation of cFS for FreeRTOS

Our very own Jonathan Brandenburg made a presentation on December 9th regarding the implementation of cFS for FreeRTOS. FreeRTOS, a popular real-time operating system, is frequently chosen for embedded systems based on its capabilities and availability. Many students, startups, and established organizations have experience with FreeRTOS. Thus, a FreeRTOS implementation of cFS is on the cFS roadmap and will address a demand in the flight software community. To better understand the challenges and implications of cFS on FreeRTOS, we initiated an effort to create FreeRTOS implementations of cFS.

The presentation was very well received. The original creators of OSAL and cFS were among the audience. They, along with others, were very complimentary.

In the coming weeks METECS will be releasing the Operating System Abstraction Layer for the FreeRTOS Windows Simulator. This OSAL underlies the core Flight System software allowing cFS to run on FreeRTOS. An announcement will be made when the OSAL is available.


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